Welcome to a virtual STO member event:
“Spinnova - Taking the lead in supply chain through core innovation”
Time: Wed 27.10.2021 4-5.30 pm in Teams, invitation to be sent on Tue 26.10.
Enter: by 12 o'clock 26.10.2021 in SurveyMonkey
You are welcome to join us in hearing and discussing about Spinnova and its supply chain in textile industry. Chief Sustainability Officer of Spinnova, Shahriare Mahmood will give a presentation on the subject. Your questions and comments will be welcome after the presentation.
Spinnova has brought a significant sustainable innovation to the textile industry with a potential to guide the industry towards sustainability in a substantive manner. Textile industry was looking for an alternative natural fibre for long as the industry has seen the innovations related to synthetic fibers and other man-made cellulosic fibers only. However, none of those are assumed to be the true replacement of any natural fiber, e.g. cotton. Spinnova has introduced a fiber that appears to have natural fiber properties and has proven to reduce the environmental burden associated to natural fiber production. With the ambition of scaling up the technology and establishing the first commercial scale factory in 2022, Spinnova is in a great position of introducing a whole bunch of textile products. With this ground-breaking innovation and textile expertise, it is in a position of taking lead in the supply chain beyond fiber products.
Shahriare Mahmood is a sustainability enthusiast, researcher and professional in fashion industry. He has become a sustainability leader in textile-apparel industry through the relevant technical expertise and vast experience over two decades. The profound knowledge gathered through comprehensive working experience in almost all stages of textile-apparel value chain operations. Simultaneously, he was involved in research to contribute further in academic arena with the intention to enrich with substantive sustainable aspects. He has a deep expertise in process optimization in this industry aiming on environmental sustainability. He is the proponent for product sustainability as a part of the total sustainability. Circular economy is of his particular interest and he would like to encash his expertise for integrating the concept in the textile-apparel supply chain. Nevertheless, his enthusiasm towards total sustainability allows him to work beyond his area of responsibility. He has served voluntarily in several international organizations in advisory role, e.g. amfori. He is well acquainted about the growing concern on environmental pollution and social compliance, fashion industry remains in focus globally. And therefore, he has the vision to carry on the good work both in industry and in academies.
The event will be recorded and the recording will be available for event entries only for 14 days after the event.
More info from: toimisto@sto-ry.com.